Collecting Hot Wheels: A Father’s Perspective

When I was a kid, I loved playing with video games and Hot Wheels. But it wasn’t until I had a 2-year-old son that I started to appreciate die-cast cars at a whole new level. I wanted to share my story with others.

It all started when I found out that my wife and I were going to have a baby. I was excited, but I also thought that I would finally have the chance to buy all the things I never had as a child. The only problem was that I would have to wait until the baby was old enough to enjoy them.

Luckily, my son took to Hot Wheels, Matchbox, and Majorette cars as soon as he was old enough. The first track I bought for him on Amazon was the “Track Builder Unlimited – Long Jump Pack“. It was simple but fun. As I learned, most Hot Wheels Track & Sets aren’t worth it.

With Amazon, if you don’t like a product or it breaks during transport, you can always send it back with no questions asked. Even though I was sleep-deprived from being up every hour with my newborn, I still had some of the most enjoyable moments of my life playing with my son and his Hot Wheels.

The second track we bought, the Hot Wheels Roll Out Raceway, was perfect for storing up to 48 cars and great for trips or visits with family. I wish there were more tracks available, and I hope they bring back some of the old designs, like the Wide Track with slight grooves for overtaking.

Currently, in the “James” collection, we have more than 100 Hot Wheels, some of which were also bought second-hand. If you find a good deal, buy them. Your child will throw them, walk on them, bash them together, and occasionally let you play with them. My son somehow remembers all of them, and he even knows which ones are his mom’s and dad’s favorites. His favorite car is a Volkswagen (VW).

1962 Volkswagen Beetle – Matchbox 2022

After “proving” to my wife that it wasn’t just me who wanted the cars and the track, I started buying more. I love that collecting 1:64 cars is cheap compared to other hobbies, and anyone can buy one Hot Wheel. Whether it’s a supercar you had on a poster above your bed or your favorite car you ever owned.

The Amazon 50 packs are great deals. You can get a good random selection of cars and watch for price drops. I’ve even gotten a few at -68% off. I suggest using to monitor prices and grab a great deal. At the time of writing this, I have 178 out of 250 for the 2022 collection, and I already have 3 for 2023. Sadly, I haven’t found a “Treasure Hunt” or “Super Treasure Hunt” yet, but I’ve taught my wife what to look for. If you’re in the same boat, you’re not alone. And if you do find one that you already have, it would be nice to leave it for someone else to find.

In conclusion, I’d like to thank all the people from around the world who have watched and subscribed to my YouTube channel where I share my Hot Wheels collection and experiences. I hope my story inspires others to start their own Hot Wheels collection and enjoy the fun and nostalgia that comes with it.